Friday, September 02, 2005


Every little bit

I am sad. I am indignant. I am angry and sorry and helpless and yet so very, very blessed.

I've been taking in bits and pieces of the disaster along the Gulf Coast this week, but the full enormity has come to me as I step back from my hectic schedule for the respite of the weekend.

If I try to express how I feel about this situation, I will simply babble and rant for far too long. I know enough to know that I don't know nearly enough to have an opinion, but I will try to keep this short and stick with what I know I believe.

I believe that this situation has been badly, badly managed. I won't point fingers, and I won't allow anybody who reads this to post comments pointing fingers. I just want these people to be helped. Now. Now. Now. NOW...

I have an immense urge to get in my car and join the relief effort. But, I have too many responsibilities here. Despite vanessa's opinion that we can't afford it, and my efforts to save more money in hopes of buying a house, I can't sit here with air conditioning, a TV, a car, a healthy family and a roof over my head when these unfortunate people in AMERICA are homeless and sick and starving and DYING.

I've just sent a (for me) large amount to the American Red Cross. I don't know whose responsibility it is for the relief efforts in New Orleans and other places, but considering what I have seen on TV and the Internet, the only organizations capable of handling this immense catastrophe are the Red Cross and the US Army. And I don't just mean the National Guard, God bless them, but the full-on logistics and coordination power of the active military. However, they aren't taking donations right now.


Time moves faster when you're standing still...

*whew* it's been a whirlwind week!

So far... I've crashed and restored my hard drive, I've reached another milestone in my Mass Public Web Hosting project, I've learned that I'm being moved to the CTC Network Management Systems group in Waltham, MA, and more people have left what's left of Lightship this week.

Plus, I got to learn Blogger's template system by fixing my friend's blog!

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